Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Slight Disclaimer..

So, apparently we may not have internet access at all on the ship. Or, if we do, it may just be an email account created for each individual on the ship. The ship will send a beam to a satellite once a day, and that's when you can check and send email. At least, that's what they've done on another ship, according to Lloyd. Now, I don't know for sure yet what the extent of internet access will be, because we were too busy loading stuff onto the ship today for me to ask. But I'll know tomorrow. Suffice it to say, if this blog has not been updated after about a week, you can assume I don't have internet access. In which case, this won't be updated for at least a month. But that will make me a true blogger now won't it? ;)

Today and yesterday were busy, yet uneventful. Yesterday we were pretty much on a plane all day. I got to watch Hoodwinked (the first time I've been on a plane long enough to see a movie). It was surprisingly funny and clever, despite the previews, which made it look pretty stupid in my opinion. Today we pretty much unloaded stuff onto the ship and spent a couple hundred dollars at Home Depot buying miscellaneous supplies. Exciting stuff, right? Actually, one of the exciting aspects has been the hot tub at the hotel. After sitting upright all day, or unloading equipment for 3 hours, nothing feels better than bubbling hot water on tight shoulders. Mmmmm....

Nothing else to report, but I will respond to a few of the comments I got. First off, Spencer, I am in no way intimidated by your so called "power" blue. Green happens to be my favorite color, so it was my first choice as a background. Also, I'm cool with starting a commune as long as we do it in an area with good weather. No sense in living in a commune where it's freezing. Therefore, it cannot be based at Marquette. Mags, squid psychology would be interesting, but of course I'd need a psychologist to work with me. Spencer, are you game? That way we really could work together. My apologies to Whit, because I haven't played with this enough to change the settings, and I'm too tired tonight to bother with it. On the other hand, you have like 8 email accounts and god knows how many journals and blogs, so what's one more? Plus I'm totally worth it......Caitlin, thanks for the shout out on my page name. I tried other combinations, such as thefog or samiam, since my initials spell SAM, but they were taken. I figured no normal person would name a page foggy ruminations, and apparently I was correct.

Well, we'll spend the night on the ship tomorrow and head out early Friday morning. If I don't get a chance to update this, I'll try to write in a book journal and post entries later. Hope everyone has a great month! Bon Voyage!


At 7:10 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh, I really hope you have access your blog. If you can't, I fully expect emails updating me on your adventures. Miss you!


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