Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, June 30, 2006

Land, ho!

Hello landlubbers! I'm back on solid ground and it feels great! It's funny, it didn't really feel like an entire month had passed until I checked everybodys various livejournal and blog pages and saw all the posts I hadn't read. It made me really miss everybody, seeing how much random stuff had happened in one month. It'll be great to see everybody at the wedding in January, and of course, I'll miss Whit like crazy until Christmas, which is probably the next time I"ll be home. Thank God Mags and Spencer are getting married, if only for an unofficial SHC reunion. Oh, right, and because they love each other and all that other stuff.......

I'm going to post entries about the cruise at another time. Right now I'm tired and actually a little peeved at the total incompetence shown by my roommates the last couple of days. I asked them to pay the rent for the month, and said I would take care of the cable online. When I found out we weren't going to have internet access, I emailed both my roommates (Dipa and Adriana) and told them that this would be the only email address I could access for the next month, and that they needed to pay the cable bill because I wouldn't have internet access. Apparently I copied Adriana's address wrong because hers bounced back, but Dipa responded and said no problem, we'll take care of the cable, have a great trip, all of that. The day we get into port, June 27, I call Adriana to see how things are and to see if she can pick me up at the airport tonight. Apparently, lots of stuff has happened in the month I've been gone. At one point, Dipa was going to move in July and had found another roommate to take her place, but then changed her mind and decided not to move. Also, no one paid the cable bill. Apparently, Dipa got it and emailed me at my normal address, the one I told her I couldn't check, asking if I could pay it online., since I specifically emailed her two weeks earlier saying that I could not pay the bill online, because I could not get online. It's so frustrating! Instead of one of them writing a check and mailing in with the bill, I guess they tried to pay it online, which, since it is in my name and they don't have my code or SSN, they couldn't. So they just didn't pay it. When I walk in the door, it seems kind of dark, so I go to turn on the lamp and nothing happens. "Oh, that burned out" Adriana mentions. "Really?" I say. "Because there are more lightbulbs in the hall closet." I change the lightbulb, throw my stuff in my room and go to the bathroom, only to discover that there is no soap. Now, we were low on soap when I left, but since I had bought the last (read only) bottle of soap and would be gone for a month, I assumed one of them would buy more. Nope, they've been using shampoo. What's more, they've been using my shampoo, the bottle I left behind. Grant it, they thought it was left by Aruna, my other roommate who moved out in February, but still, shampoo?! It would never occur to me to use shampoo instead of just buying handsoap. See, when I complain that my roommates are cheap and tight-fisted, this is what I'm talking about. I mean, that blows my mind, that they would just use shampoo that had been sitting in the shower for a few months instead of soap. Is it just me, or are my roommates a little crazy? Also, apparently my checkcard thinks it has expired, even though it is good for another year, so I haven't been able to get cash out. As a result, my dinner last night was a vending machine size bag of chips, and my only meals today were the airline snacks I got on the plane, because it took every last dollar I had to take the taxi to the airport this morning. So, one more chore to take care of tomorrow.

I just realized that most of this post probably sounds bitter, which is odd because I'm really happy to be back. I can't wait to see the fam in Cooperstown, so I may not start my cruise postings for another week. But I am really glad to be in a bed that doesn't move at night. I'm just a little annoyed at my roommates. I mean, they are 25ish and 33ish (yeah, I'm not positive about the years, but I know that's close), shouldn't they be able to do basic stuff on their own?*Sigh* Anyways, great to be back, I missed everybody, and I'll try to call or email people soon.


At 10:33 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

bummer, smarnell! It sounds like your roommates are pretty incompetent. I'm glad you're getting to see your fam, though, and that you made it back safe and sound!

At 6:23 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I'm glad you're back :)

At 9:19 PM, Blogger spencer said...

Yay! Sarah's back! I didnt get any emails about your trip, which i thought you were gonna send when you had internet, but i could just be confused...that happens a lot now-a-days. I did read one about someone falling overboard though. Glad you're back! And I hope you can make it to the reunion w/o any problems...i mean wedding. Right.

At 12:04 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

Spencer, that is not funny.

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