Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Busy, Busy, Busy

So sorry I haven't updated, but I've been a busy little bee. Not in the creepy way, like when Joaquin Phoenix screams that in Gladiator, just constantly busy. I've been spending a lot of time looking for / reading papers for my research, since I need to get all of my research done in the next month or two. This is in addition to teaching 3 labs a week and taking a Marine Fish class that apparently assigns a bajillion chapters of reading every week. And yes, bajillion is a number. It's larger than a jillion, but smaller than trajillion of course.

In addition, I've had back problems for the last month. My back started hurting the 2nd or 3rd week of August, but I couldn't get a physical therapy appt. until Sept. 6, after Dave's wedding (which was a blast! hopefully I'll get to post some pics this weekend). Turns out that in addition to my old disc problem and sculiosis, I have alignment issues. Turns out my right hip is a little farther in front than my left hip. This puts stress on my SI joint which somehow connects my leg to my pelvis bone. So, you're lower ab and back muscles are supposed to support that area, but those muscles are weak. I've never had strong ab muscles, and Erica my PT says that I probably never got my lower back muscles strong again after surgery, since I wasn't training for soccer anymore. So I have lots of exercises to do and 2 physical therapy sessions a week. Some of the exercises are from pilates (leg circles, tabletop and another one but I forget the name.

Whew. So that's what I've been up to. Also, I've discovered some fun stuff on the PBS channels, since my roommates don't want cable and there's jack shit on until new shows start. The Mystery! series is great, and I caught a weird film version of Richard III that takes place in like a virtual Britain in the 1930s (virtual b/c the king still very much rules the land and the WWII uniforms change as evil Richard takes over- they go from British tan to Nazi black). It was interesting. Ian Holm played a sinister and creepy Richard, and he addresses the camera for his soliloquies which is creepy b/c you really don't want to make eye contact with the guy.


At 8:27 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I've been watching Mystery! too! It's pretty good, isn't it? My mom loves the Inspector Linley series, so I watch it with her every Sunday night. Yay :) Now we can discuss!

At 10:35 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

Hey Sarah! I'm glad you had fun at the wedding, but boooo about your back. It's not supposed to be hurt. That's why you had surgery, remember? Silly Sarah. I hope the excercises help make it better. If only we could go to our Pilates class every week!

At 1:23 AM, Blogger spencer said...

Hey Sarah! I totally understand the whole busy, busy, busy thing. I don't know if it's worse for you this semester than last semester, but it's like year two is a death march of endless work. But anyways. sorry to hear about your back...back pain is no fun at all. Hope everything else is going well for you, and I'll see you in a few months! Crazy!!


At 4:36 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I'm very torn as to whether I should watch the season premiere of Desperate Housewives or Mystery!. What's a girl to do?

At 11:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I chose Mystery! myself. I'm not really addicted to Desparate Housewives, I just watch it when I'm bored. Masterpiece Theatre starts soon on PBS. Are you gonna watch? -Sarah


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