Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

Well folks, yesterday was a very long day. I got up early so I could get to the office by 8:00 and start my experiments. Each experiment takes at least 12-15 hours, and I was hoping I wouldn't be up too late if I started early. But no such luck. I had to find some more equipment and calibrate everything, so I started later than I planned. To make things worse, I had weird or bad data all day. I'm not sure if that's because I'm conducting the experiments at a different temperature or because the samples were frozen and then thawed out before the experiment. Anyways, because the data was so noisy, obtaining it took longer than usual. I didn't drive back to my apartment til 5:00AM, and let me tell you, the Bio building is kinda creepy at night. Most of the hallways are dark, and there are always noises from various equipment turning itself on and off or adjusting itself, like refrigerators (remember the frig at my house Whitney? heheheh). Also, the coke machine was completely sold out.

I took 2 hour long naps before driving back to my apartment, looking forward to at least 4 hours in my nice warm bed before I would have to return to the lab again. Alas, no. Adriana had kindly left a light on in the apartment for me, but she had also, absentmindedly I"m sure, bolted the door, so that I couldn't actually enter my apartment. My other roommate, Dipa, is in NYC for a few days, so I assume Adriana got freaked out being by herself in the apartment and bolted the door, forgetting, of course, that I would be in much later that night. I banged once or twice on the door, but of course, Adriana didn't hear me. Even if she had, she probably would think I was a crazy person, and be grateful she had thought to bolt the door. Luckily, I always keep a blanket in my car so, cursing my roommates (since they still occasionally forget to even lock the door, but managed to bolt it on this night of all nights) I put down the passenger seat in my car and slept off and on, until I awoke at 8:15 and saw that Adriana's car was missing. Then, I got to sleep in my own bed for a precious hour before returning to the lab to start my next experiment.

And so it will continue. I will pretty much be living at the lab this summer. I pretty much sit in a room and watch my equipment and a computer screen, it's extremely fascinating. I don't mind it so much now, I've got interesting books, but I"m sure that, as this continues for a full month, I"ll start to get sick of it. So if anybody ever gets bored or lonely, give me a call. I can probably work you into my busy schedule of sitting around. :)


At 11:00 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh, Sarah, that sounds like a very frustrating day. I hate the thought of you having to sleep in your car! I hope all your data stuff picks up. Maybe some cool stuff will start happening. Like tissue that you thought was dead could start mutating and making a new life form. And then you could win the Nobel Prize, and it would be awesome. If that didn't work out, you could probably get a horror movie out of it.


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