Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Wedding Season

So apparently wedding season is here. Amy's best friend, Leslie, got married this weekend in good ol' Huntsvegas. My brother Dave's getting married over Labor Day weekend (just got the official invite!) and Mags and Spence are getting married in January (just got the Save the Date)! Geez, there must be something in the air. I"d say people are just getting twitterpated, but it's summer, and twitterpating is more of a spring event. At any rate, I hope the weddings go well, there were a few snags at Leslie's wedding.

First off, they completely forgot about the rings for the ceremony until a month ago. Yeah, hard to believe they had forgotten to order the actual rings, but I guess with so much to plan, a few things can slip through the cracks. Luckily, the rings came just in time. Then the flowers were the wrong color, and ended up slightly clashing with the bridesmaid dresses, instead of complimenting them. At the last minute, whoever was going to provide the thing that keeps the cake cold (giant cooler? I have no idea...) said they couldn't have it. And they ended up one keg short for the reception, so my Mom kindly ran to the commissary and bought one for them (saved them a bundle too, cause almost everything's cheaper at the commissary). Of course, at some point during the day of the wedding, Leslie had a meltdown (who can blame her with all the problems?) so all the bridesmaids had to rush off earlier than expected to cheer Leslie up and help her regain her sanity. Apparently though, the ceremony itself went off without a hitch, and my Mom said you would never have known all the last minute problems everybody had to deal with.

Here's hoping my brother and friends don't have to deal with similar issues. Of course, if Mags has a meltdown, the bridesmaids will definately mass to support her. By the way, the Save the Date magnet? Very cute. Essentially stick people wearing a tux and veil. Simple. I also got the engagement invitation for "a night of espionage." I"m bummed that I can't go, and even considered flying down there to make it, but it's over $500, and since I"m already flying to California in a month for Dave's wedding, I don't have a lot of extra cash available. Speaking of Dave, here's his official wedding page : If anyone's interested, you can go to the page, it's a fun site with lots of pictures (including some older ones where Dave still has long hair) and information. Of course, very few of my friends have met Dave, since he's 7 years older than me. In fact, I think only Whitney has met Dave, so those pictures may not be interesting at all. But hey, if you need to kill some time, this website will do it for you!


At 1:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 11:02 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Good news. My shady stock market deal just came through, so I should be able to wire transfer you my "ill-gotten gains," and you can make the party. It's not a spy night without The Fog.


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