Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

GG is back!

Yay! Gilmore Girls premiered tonight! Frankly, I was a bit dissapointed in the episode. By the way, if you don't watch Gilmore Girls, just skip this post, it's going to be a rant.

I'm a little pissed that Lorelai even slept with Christopher, but I can understand that she made a mistake when she felt really hurt and alone. However, previews seem to imply that she and Christopher will attempt to date, and she doesn't seem sad at all that she broke up with Luke. She seems pissed at him. Which is utterly ridiculous from my point of view. Luke has waited for her through a couple boyfriends, Sukie has even commented on this, so Lorelai knows. Yes, he put off the wedding and didn't set another date, but she really didn't say much. The viewers knew how upset she was, but she mostly was silently seething or sad. She only talked to Luke about it once that I can remember (Valentine's Day ep) before the ultimatum. Yes, there was some definate body language and Luke should have been able to detect some of her depressed tones of voice and hesitant answers to questions involving April and the wedding. But she never really said anything, which must have made the ultimatum seem out of nowhere for him. And he was still trying to figure out the whole April thing. Didn't he recently get bitched out for letting Lorelai take care of her? That's gotta be one of the first things he thought of. And frankly, Lorelai, the ultimate commitment phobic is pissed because Luke didn't make a major life decision in like 10 seconds? Ultimatums are crappy in general, and usually in books or movies, the character gets some time to think over the decision, at least a day or so.

And in general, the lack of emotions bothered me in this episode. Maybe because the creators are no longer with the show? Lorelai doesn't seem upset at all about breaking off an engagement with Luke, the only guy she has ever really loved. She said she was barely holding it together, but she acted woodenly and righteous, as if he had been wronging her for a long time and she finally wasn't gonna take that crap anymore. And that's just not how I saw their relationship. Also, Rory just thought it was hilarious when Kirk crashed into the diner. It was, but shouldn't she have worried, at least for a second, about the ruined diner? The diner is a staple of the town, and now it's destroyed. Shouldn't she at least be upset for Luke? I was. But it didn't seem to faze her at all. The other witty banter and emotional stuff for this episode was good, I just thought those two major things were odd. What do my fellow GG watchers think?

In totally unrelated news, I've heard there are several pics from my brother's wedding on their website: I've only seen a few of the pics, but Sara, the new wife, looks gorgeous. Yeah, there's another Sara Marnell now, even if she does spell her first name the wrong way (i.e. without an h).

Oh, and Veronica Mars and Lost start next week! Yay! Whit, I expect you to watch VM while it's on the air, which you've never had a chance to do before. Then we can discuss the episodes add nauseum. :)


At 7:19 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

well, I am COMPLETELY mad at Lorelai for sleeping with Christopher because it was a horrible thing to do to Luke, CHris, and herself. Still, I feel like Luke really dropped the ball last season, and I feel Lorelai was kind of justified in her ultimatum. I wish they just hadn't given Luke a kid--why did they have to ruin everything? That was just dumb. Oh, how sad were you for Rory when Logan was like, "I got you a ticket...for Christmas." Bummer.


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