Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, January 19, 2007

Mail! Glorious mail!

Everybody knows how precious real mail is. You know, not the coupons, bills, or meaningless crap that actually fills your mailbox, but stuff from people you actually know. Well yesterday was one of those great days, where I got tons of mail. I got my first 2 Netflix movies (Little Miss Sunshine and United 93), pictures from Maggie and Spencer's wedding, and a small box of English tea cookies from the bakery in Cooperstown (a late birthday present from my aunt). It was awesome! Plus, my mom got me a subscription to EW, so I'll be getting that today or tomorrow. Yay mail! Which reminds me, I never sent out Christmas cards this year. Here's what happened: I bought Christmas cards in Rhode Island, than everything got so crazy busy, and it wasn't til I was on the plane home that I realized that not only had I not sent any cards, but that I had even forgotten to pack them. Oh well, I thought, I didn't get any cards, maybe everyone else was too busy too. Then I got home to find 3 Christmas cards waiting for me. Oops.


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