Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy belated Thanksgiving guys! I hope everybody had a good one! Mine was fun, although very different from last year's T-Day.

I went to NY to stay with Dave and Sara again. Last year I only saw Sara on Thanksgiving Day, and I did lots of touristy stuff everyday. This year Sara was off Thursday, Saturday, Wed. night and Fri. daytime, so I saw her lots. Wed. we went out to dinner at Uptown, a local bar, and then went to another bar off of Amsterdam (I think?) because at around 11:30 or midnight, you can see the unfinished floats for the Macey's Parade going by. Tons of fun. We were gonna go to the parade, but it was raining all morning long, so we decided to sleep instead. Sara's two brothers came and brought their significant others (Maria and Mark), and we just talked and ate all day, and played spoons (but with napkin rolls for some reason) and Taboo. On Friday we saw Casino Royale, which is awesome, really, if you haven't seen it yet, make plans to do so. Saturday I came back to RI and watched a couple movies before passing out.

And today I'm back in the lab trying to do an experiment. I'm going to leave in a couple of hours, but only because I have to do laundry, go food shopping, and watch V for Vendetta before I have to return it. I go home in 3 weeks which is awesome, but these 3 weeks are going to be hell. I still have to teach for the next 2 weeks, do God knows how many more experiments and do a presentation, paper and final for my marine fish class. Oh, and possibly analyze some of my data and do more revisions to my proposal, who knows?'s gonna be stressful for me, as I'm sure it will be for all my fellow grad/law school friends. I won't hold my breath for posts from others, unless it's your way of venting so your head doesn't explode.


At 8:51 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Three weeks! That's fabulous!


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