Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Pop Culture Nonsense

As I've already posted (at least, I think I have, I haven't slept enough lately...) I've been scrambling to do multiple things at the same time, namely reading more papers to clean up my proposal, start my Marine Fish paper and actually find an alteration person for the bridesmaid dress. As a result, I feel like I"m constantly busy, but I'm not accomplishing anything, since I've only gotten bits and pieces of each task completed. So I'm dedicating this post to a couple random fun things I've run across in the last week or two as a change of pace.

Books: I"m currently halfway through The Salmon of Doubt by Douglas Adams, yeah, the guy who wrote the Hitchhiker books. It's really interesting. It's sort of a grab bag of stuff left on Adams computer after he died, and a bunch of people sifted through everything and put it together. It includes columns, talks and random thoughts he typed out. It's pretty entertaining, and there's no plot to follow. Perfect, since I don't have enough time to follow one right now anyways.

Movies: Technically this is a miniseries, but I checked it out as 6 episodes on a tape, so it was like a movie. Ever heard of Tales from the Darkside? Yeah, me neither, but last weekend I wanted to watch something creepy I hadn't seen before and it was slim pickins at the small public library. Apparently, Tales aired in the late 80s or early 90s, and every episode deals with the supernatural. They're not all evil or creepy, sometimes only good things happen. However, the episode I'm thinking of was called something like "Christmas Dreams" and proves that dreams really can come true at Christmas, whether you want them to or not. I'd love to say what happens in this ep, but I'm pretty sure most of my friends will be horrified that I liked it. Except Whitney and maybe Mike. Whit, see if you can find this episode online somewhere, it's delightfully twisted in a way only you can appreciate. Everyone else should avoid it, as it will kill any Christmas spirit you possess.

T.V.: Frankly, T.V. so far this fall has been a bit dissapointing. Gilmore Girls continues to piss me off (Lorelai and Christopher? Ugh, I was sick of their relationship when it was a one night stand, let alone whatever it is now. And what a ridiculous world GG has become when mother and daughter are both dating millionaires! Come on!), Veronica Mars has good parts in every show, but no episode has been better than Ep 1 of Season 3 (or episodes from seasons 1 and 2, but they're transitioning to college, so I'll let that go...). In addition, while I usually enjoy Lost and Grey's, they're kinda ticking me off too. Spoilers ahead! They killed off Eko! What the hell? He could be silent and dynamic, he could make 2 words have more meaning than the paragraph Charlie was spewing out of his mouth. And he's dead! They could have gotten so much more out of his character.....And Grey's? Seriously, if I had an injury that could cause my hand to shake during surgery, possibly hurting or killing people, I WOULDN'T FREAKIN OPERATE! It's this whole thing about morality and my conscience and not wanting to take the chance that my pride/stupidity/awkwardness might cause me to kill someone, no matter how many precautions I attempted to take!

On the plus side, I discovered last weekend that Supernatural repeats on Sunday nights! Yay! I love Supernatural and Grey's, but since I live with 2 girls who love Grey's and hate Supernatural, and since both shows are on at the same time, I've missed out so far this season. But no more. I'm gonna be glued to the T.V. on Sunday nights now. Whit now we can discuss VM and Supernatural! (Have you noticed that all of our favorite shows bear an alarming resemblance to Buffy? Sometimes I think we're both just compensating for the loss of that show.....And yes, I am that crazy and obsessive).

Here are some fun lines from various T.V. shows:

"You mean you and Logan are dating again?" "What, that's news? Man, the prison rumor mill blows!" -V.M.

"He Obi Wan'ed me!" and "It's mind control, that doesn't count. I'm calling a do over." -Supernatural

"No, do not make carrot cake. It is the devil's food. But you can make devil's food cake. I like that."-My Name is Earl (pretending to be God)


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