Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Catching Up

I know, I haven't updated in like a month, but I've been super busy.

Mags came to visit me over Columbas Day weekend, and it was loads of fun! I showed her the Kingston campus, Narragansett Bay, Newport (the cliff walk, I felt like I was in a gothic novel even though it was daytime and I was wearing jeans), and Cooperstown. I took pictures but I still haven't finished my roll of film, so they won't be going up here anytime soon. Mags has some up on her blog though. Anyways, I had a great time, and it was fun getting to show Cooperstown to somebody. I think before this month I was the only member of the family who hadn't brought up at least one friend to see it. We trespassed on my family's old farm (don't worry, the new owners are just summer people), checked out the Cider Mill (Mags, did your wonderful jam survive the trip?) and Farmer's Museum, and bought lots of stuff at the local bakery. Mm mm good. Plus it was great to see Mags again, I hadn't seen her for a year. It'll be great to see everyone at the wedding, which is rapidly approaching.

Not much else of significance going on right now, I've mostly been working. Reading a billion papers for my Ecology of Marine Fish class, studynig for a midterm in same class, teaching new labs every week, submitting a proposal (which I just got back with comments.....yeah, definately some revising and more paper hunting up to do) , and now I need to start researching the term paper for my fish class, as it is due the first week of December and I've done absolutely nothing yet, except for pick out my topic: electroreception (in all fish? in sharks? as relating to behavior? who knows....). I've also been running around for the last 3 weekends in a row, attempting to find a place that sells dyeable shoes and an alterations place that does not consist of a single person who looks scared when she looks at my dress, or a store that will do alterations on dresses not bought in the store. So far I"ve not been too successful, so if anybody reading this has any suggestions, feel free to comment. Actually, I did find dyeable shoes at David's Bridal, but they were all minimum of $55 and most had rhinestones on them (I was hoping for cheaper and no rhinestones). Still, if no one else has any suggestions, that might be what I end up with.

Hmm..what else? Oh, I finally saw Brick. Most of my friends probably haven't heard of it, unless they're obsessed with movies like me (i.e. Whit and Mike). Basically, it's a film noir set in a high school, complete with 30s/40s slang, femme fatales, and the world-weary detective. It was a pretty good movie, I think it did well at some film festivals but didn't get released on the big screen, or something weird like that. Anyways, definately check it out. And if you've never seen a film noir before, you may wanna bone up on some classics first so you can understand the lingo. Here's some suggestions: The Maltese Falcon, To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Out of the Past.


At 8:17 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

hey, i sent you an e-mail about the shoes. I'm surprised David's bridl only had $55 and up--ours has shoes starting around $20 and going up from there. Or at least they used to; I haven't bought shoes from there since april 05

At 11:49 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Yeah well, I'm in Rhode Island. Everything in New England is twice as expensive as it is in the South

At 2:48 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

My jam didn't really survive the trip. It was ok at first, but within a couple of days it had rapidly deterioated. Oh well. Guess next time 'll remember to not open the jam until I get home!

I don't know much about marine bio, but I do gotta say that electroreception sounds totally awesome. Give me a rundown on what it is and I'll write a book about it!

On the shoe front, I didn't realize Payless didn't have the exact color until I'd already sent the mailing out. However, they do have a color that is just a little bit lighter which I'm ok with. I know everyone's shoes aren't going to match exactly, but why sweat the small stuff? Right? Right! That mantra's been getting me through the wedding planning process :)

Miss you!

At 2:50 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

One more thing, if you can't find a seamstress who's willing to tackle the dress top, my suggestion is this: Take it to someone to have it hemmed and just have them save the extra material for you. Then start your search for someone who can do the rest of it. That way, if you never can find someone who can do the fancy stuff, at least you'll have the length fixed in time for the wedding. And then you can just move very, very carefully at the reception ;)

At 8:16 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

no one's gonna see the shoes anyway, really. however, they might see your the alterationist is definitely the more pressing problem.



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