Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Monday, November 06, 2006

Further Frustrations

Just when I've got everything organized, things go wrong!

So, last week I met with Dr. Ahmed, who said I could come in and do an elemental analysis on my blood samples on Monday, i.e. today. I just realized that sentence probably doesn't make sense to anybody but me. In layman's terms, I was gonna do blood experiments on a machine that Dr. Ahmed runs, and then some in the lab. After that, I was gonna set things up so I could do another absorbance experiment tomorrow. So, basically I was gonna finish up all my thesis experiments today.

I got in a little early and started getting things ready. Calibrating equipment, thawing out my blood, organizing my methods, etc. However, when I called Dr. Ahmed to see what time we could do the experiments, he said he had to do stuff with students today. Could I come Wednesday afternoon? Nope, that's when I have a physical therapy appt, it's the one time during this week that I have something scheduled in the afternoon. So now I have to wait until next Monday.

This isn't a huge deal, but today would have been so much more convenient. Because tomorrow is Election Day, there are no labs this week, so I could have stuck around doing experiments without worrying about if I would be done by 2, plus we usually have a lab meeting on Mondays at 10. Doing experiments today and tomorrow would have been perfect because I would have no other obligations, and there would be fewer people around tomorrow, since we technically have the day off. Instead things are put off by another week. Sigh. Guess I'll just spend the day looking for more metabolism papers and cleaning up my proposal.


At 10:35 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

We'll just hope that the delay happened for a reason. Maybe you would have been hit by a car or something on the way home from the experiments. Thank God they were delayed!

At 12:35 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

Hahaha, thanks Mags. Although the building is oncampus, but I guess I could still have been hit by a car.


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