Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, January 26, 2007

One of Those Days....

Sigh. Only 11:00 A.M., and my day's already looking bad. I slept in today, so I had to skip breakfast to get to school in time for my 9:00 A.M. Stats class. The high today is around 18 degrees, and its windy, so it was a long, cold walk. After class, I walk across half of campus to return a movie to the library and check out a book. On my way back to the office, I see Dunkin Donuts and think to myself, "Mmmmm, a hot chocolate would feel good right now." After dutifully standing in line, I grab my hot tasty beverage and start the cold walk back to my office. I don't drink the hot chocolate, b/c I'm afraid it'll be too hot and I'll burn my tongue, or I'll spill it on myself or trip, or any other number of stupid things. Turns out I didn't have to worry. I can be stupid without even trying to coordinate drinking and walking. As I'm about halfway back to my office, I misstep off a curb, fall, and land on my knees, dropping my precious hot chocolate. The right knee of my jeans has a huge rip now (not surprising since I've had these jeans since high school and the knees are a little worn), and I pick up my hot chocolate to discover that the cement sidewalk has punctured a large hole in the bottom of the cup. So I throw my hot chocolate away without even getting to drink any of it, hobble to my office and get a first aid kit, because now that I"m in a heated building, I can feel blood trickling down my right leg. Sure enough, I've got one big cut and a few small ones on my knees, plus some pretty spectacular bruises. Good thing I work in a bio building where there are first aid kits in every classroom and lab. Still, my big cut is still bleeding, and I"m not sure if I need a couple stitches, or if it's just a shallow cut that's bleeding a lot because knees are vulnerable, and now that my knees have feeling again, my body can register the cut and bleed more. Either way, today just seems like one of those days.....


At 7:38 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh, Sarah. I'm sorry. I hope your day got better.


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