Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Monday, April 30, 2007

Best Day Ever!

For a Monday, today's been pretty great.

First off, today is my last day of classes. EVER. That's a pretty great feeling right there, because I'm sick to death of school. After I came back from my morning class, I noticed that the little light on my phone was flashing red. That means that somebody tried to call me and left a voicemail, b/c reception sucks in the dungeon, so my phone never actually rings. I check the message and it's somebody from the Photo Lab at CVS, asking me to call them back. I immediately think something is wrong, because I haven't had photos developed since February. Since I've been in my office alot, I've probably gone to CVS like every other day for the last 2 weeks, for snacks or a caffeinated drink (the Coke machine is sold out in our building). So I figured I just dropped my license or something, but no, everything is in my wallet. I call back and learn that I won a $100 digital camera!!! When I got my photos developed in February, it was just one of those things you throw your name into and know you'll never win. But I did win! I'm excited, since I've never owned a real camera, I always just buy disposable cameras. :)

In addition, I had to email a researcher in Virginia who is doing similar experiments for research because he's using tonometers. Basically, a tonometer is just a pear-shaped flask that you can put blood in and run experiments on. Brad and I have been looking for some, but they quit making them decades ago. So I asked where he got his. Apparently, I can just order them from Strathkelvin, they're just not called "tonometers," they have some different name. Anyways, if I can get this equipment, it shouldn't take me 18 hours to do one experiment! I'm excited about that. Sitting in a chair staring at a computer screen and vial of blood sounds exciting, but it's not all it's cracked up to be. Oh, plus one of the secretaries who has been here for 33 years (amazing, right?) retired today, so I got a free lunch with cake. And I just got back from my last physiology class and got a 100 on the last test I took. Today rocks! Like, does anybody watch CSI? Anybody see the one where Hodges was having a lucky day (he found $20, got the attention of a pretty girl, got 2 free bags of chips from the vending machine) and he decided to look over some evidence from serial killer crime scenes? He found a clue that had been overlooked that linked all the victims together. Well, today is my super lucky day, steer me towards some troubling evidence!


At 9:18 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

Wow, Sarah! It sounds like you had a super-fantastic day. Send some of that luck this way, will you? ;-)

At 8:45 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

That is a fantastic day!!! I wish you had bought a lotto ticket!


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