Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, October 17, 2008


I'm employed!! It's a miracle!

I got the job with the USDA in Raleigh, North Carolina! And I start next month! Wow, amazing that I'll actually have an income that's above the poverty level. Of course, now I have to find a place to live and move everything down there, but still! An actual job! I know some of my friends wanted me to get a job in San Francisco so they could visit me there (ahem...Spencer), but they'll have to make due with Raleigh. :)

Thursday, October 02, 2008


So last week, after defending and doing all my revisions, I took off for Cooperstown with my friend Michele. Plus Dave and Sara came down from NYC. It was a great weekend. We got to eat at some old favorites (Doubleday Cafe, Sal's) and a place I hadn't eaten before (Hoffman's Bistro). And, of course, the actual Pumpkinfest stuff was lots of fun. We saw part of the weigh-ins on Saturday. A four year old went to the front, and his pumpkin weighed more than he did. :) It was pretty cute. By the way, the winning pumpkin weighed 1, 248 pounds. How is that even possible?!

The Pumpkin Regatta was on Sunday. The actual pumpkin race was fun to watch, but it started an hour late, so we were pretty sick of standing still by the time it started. Still, very entertaining. The only bad part about the weekend was the weather. It poured on Friday and rained off and on Saturday, always with grey or white skies. We also did some non-pumpkin related stuff. We swung by the Cider Mill to get lots of free samples, checked out the Fenimore Art Museum (although they wouldn't let me use my free pass. Jerks!) and drank a lot on Saturday night. Seriously, we had some Puerto Rican rum, some local beer and some hard cider. And everybody still got up Sunday morning to meet my aunt for breakfast and watch the pumpkin races.

Today I hauled most of my stuff to the storage unit. I'm borrowing a friend's pick up truck tomorrow to move the big stuff, since no one could help me today. Al's housewarming party is on Saturday, Sunday I'll be cleaning all day long, and Monday I move out of my apartment. Whew. Still haven't heard back about the North Carolina job yet. But I keep my phone on me at all times, just waiting for the phone call.