See, this is why I shouldn't have a blog. I write on it for a few weeks then completely forget about it. updates, updates.....Oh, I forgot how I left the last blog. I got home from my first day of work and there was no power in the house. The power company accidentally shut it off and then had to physically drive out to the house to turn it back on. Brilliant.
In other news, I enjoy my job, now that I actually have work to do. There are still some slow days, but for the most part I really like what I do. Which is refreshing. Nothing horrible or even mildly bad has happened since I left Rhode Island. But I still find myself mentally holding my breath and waiting for everything to fall apart. I've also noticed that everyone here thinks I'm really easygoing. I mean, I'm easygoing to a point, but I'm also a little worried that grad school beat any expectations out of me. I'm so used to the worst thing happening that I no longer expect anything good to happen. And that's kinda crappy. So I'm hoping that with some more time I'll recover some optimism or something.
But to end this post on a happy note, Thanksgiving with my fam in Coop was fantastic. It was too short of course. I didn't get in til Wednesday night at 10:30, plus a 1.5 hour drive back to the house. And then of course we were all awake because everyone was asking me questions about NC, so we all ended up talking til like 2 AM. Considering I got up at 6 on Wednesday and worked a full day before rushing to the airport for my flight, Wednesday was a very long day. Thursday we went over to my aunt's for all the cooking and had lots of quality family time with cheesy stories, Taboo, craft name markers and too much food. Seriously, nobody ate any dessert on Thursday, because we were all too full.
Friday flew by and then everyone but me, Mike and Kodi left on Saturday. Like I said, way too fast. Oh, the three of us saw Bolt on Saturday. The hamster was definately the best part of the movie. And we rented Wall*E, because I was the only one who had seen it. Such a great movie. Geez, I can't believe Christmas is in like 2 weeks. I really need to start buying Christmas presents. It'll be sad this year with no brothers for Christmas, but at least I"ll get to see the folks and Ames.
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