Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

3 weeks and counting

Whew. Deep breath. Somehow it's September, and I'm defending in 3 weeks. Which is good news (I am SO ready to be done with grad school), but also makes me a little nervous. Because of my last disastrous attempt to defend, more people will be at this defense. Partly for moral support for me (as I've previously mentioned, I've become a cautionary tale for future grad seriously, I have), and, I'm sure, partly out of curiosity. So I'll have a bigger audience, which always makes me nervous. But I'm hoping to have a rough presentation done in the next few days, and then I'll have 2 weeks to practice with various people, practice answering questions, and basically just make sure I know everything really well.

Hm..what else? I'm very happy to hear that Gustav downgraded to a category 2, and that all of New Orleans was not washed away. Although there are 3 more storms swirling ominously in the ocean, probably building up more strength before they decide which land mass to decimate. Hopefully there will be no more major storms for the Gulf Coast. What else? Ah, I've applied for a few jobs: a science on in Massachusetts and a few in Cooperstown. Hopefully something will pan out. Also, my folks are coming up to Cooperstown for Thanksgiving, so I will have Thanksgiving with all members of my immediate family for the first time in like 6 or 7 years. On a less cheerful note, I spent a few hours cleaning everything in the apartment yesterday. I spent the last month dogsitting (I stayed at the house with the dogs), then went out of town for Labor Day weekend. When I got back yesterday and walked through the apartment, I realized that, since I hadn't been around, nothing had been cleaned. In a month. I know boys in general suck about cleaning, but, during a month, don't you think one could manage to sweep, or wipe up the stove, or even clean the toilet? I mean, you don't even have to get your hands dirty to clean the toilet! And all the cleaning supplies is either left out (as in the bathroom) or is in a closet that both roommates are aware of. I'm looking forward to a time when I do not have roommates. I'm also looking forward to the time when every post on my blog does NOT involve me bitching about grad school. Soon.....soon....


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