Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, June 13, 2008

"Oh, you thought you were done with grad school? Fooled you!"

So instead of being essentially done with graduate school I am now sticking around for another month or so. That's right, 5 minutes after I was supposed to start defending my thesis (I figured my committee was running late) Brad took me out into the hallway and told me that my committee didn't think I was ready to defend today. Apparently I need to make my methods and results more detailed and I need to include the experiments that never worked. Because my thesis should reflect the work I did, even if it didn't actually give me any useable results. Sigh. So now I'm looking to defend at the end of July. And I just now realized that I am supposed to go to Milwaukee on July 30, which is when we are aiming for me to defend again. Anyways, I"m exhausted and headache-y, so I"m going home to sleep or watch TV until happy hour. Did I mention that I hate Rhode Island and that everything I do here fails?


At 10:48 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

you're almost done, Sarah. You will escape the sucking vortex of hell that is Rhode Island.


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