Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Sunday, March 09, 2008

More Rhode Island Drama

So I'm pretty sure I've already vented about this to everyone who reads my blog, but just in case, I'll post about it. Remember my last post when I talked about how everything had failed in the same month? Things got worse a couple of days ago. Wednesday night I picked up my mail and discovered a delightful letter in which my health insurance company informed me that they would not be covering any of my physical therapy claims from the summer and fall. I called to ask why they wouldn't cover something so basic that was covered by our last insurance company. Their answer: "Your treatment did not require surgery or hospital confinement." Well no, the whole point of physical therapy is to get better without having to resort to another surgery! And do they seriously not cover any minor injuries? What the hell? I've emailed the union, they've emailed health services, etc. so I'm waiting to hear back from various people. If they don't cover it for whatever reason, I'll owe $1050.00 to my physical therapist. Yikes!

And the other reason I was very angry with URI on Friday: federal taxes weren't withheld from my income last year. Which means that instead of getting money back, I now owe Rhode Island and the IRS $430. And I live below the poverty line! Seriously, as grad students we qualify for food stamps. After asking around, trying to discover how the hell this happened, Denise finally told me to check my W-4 information on the online campus system. I checked it and sure enough, there was a little box checked off that said "Exempt me from withholding taxes." Now, I don't remember ever clicking that box, so Denise said it might have happened during the summer when we got the new online campus system, and that I should check my W-4 status online from time to time. Great, but that doesn't help me now, does it? So because of a computer glich, I have to pay hundreds of dollars.

Seriously, Rhode Island is just trying to drain my bank account so I can never leave and it can torture me forever! I feel like I'm in the aftermath of a bad friendship breakup with a bitchy girl who's decided to make my life as miserable as possible. I'm tired, so I'll end this post on an upper. Mike is now officially in NYC with Kodi! I'm excited for him, and I can't wait to meet her. Mike and Dave have already asked the folks when they're going to turn the water back on at the house in Cooperstown so they can visit. I'm hoping I can meet up with them some weekend after I get this freaking thesis written.


At 8:10 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Sarah, you should qualify for the Lifelong Learning Tax credit. Look into it, because if you do, it will more than wipe out your tax bill. You file for it when you file your taxes. I can help you if you need it.

At 9:40 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks Mags, but I already filed my taxes last week. And I already got some education credit, which is why I didn't owe more money.

At 8:05 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Bummer. It was worth a shot.


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