Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Goals: New Years and Beyond

I've never been one to make New Year's resolutions. However, I do set goals for myself. I've decided to post a list of my goals. The first couple of goals are specifically for this year. The other goals listed are simply things I want to do, although I'm not quite sure when I'll do them...

1. Graduate from URI with my Master's degree in May. I've had many, many problems with my thesis, so I'm really ready to just finish it and not think about the equipment failures, misunderstandings and general shitty luck that dominated my thesis.

2. Get a job. I'm willing to go pretty much anywhere, although I'd prefer to stay on the East Coast, since all my family is over here. I have absolutely no experience, and I'm not sure what I want to do, so who knows what job I'll end up with? I'm looking at everything, from government jobs and EPA internships to AFS postings and private consulting work, to volunteering (until I get a job) and looking into a Walt Disney World internship (Whitney insists I could do something cool at the Animal Kingdom).

3. Afford to live alone. This goal weirds some people out. But I'm the youngest of 4, and I've had roommates for the last 7 years. I'd really like to have my own apartment, by myself, even if it's only for a little while.

4. Own a reliable car. Two cars died in college because of radiator problems and major oil leaks. Now the trusty van has a transmission that's been failing off and on for about a year and a half. It'd be nice to drive a car without automatically checking all the gauges every 10 seconds or so.

5. Learn a new language. For some reason I'm leaning towards sign language, which is odd since I don't actually know any deaf people.

6. Learn a new instrument. Specifically the violin, which is the instrument that I think evokes the most emotion.

7. Learn to knit. I bought a "How to Knit" kit a year ago, but still haven't actually picked it up. But Dave gave me two books on knitting (how to knit, lots of patterns and designs) for my birthday, so now I really have to learn.

8. Travel to Europe. I want to visit pretty much every country, but I think I'll start off with England and Ireland. I also specifically want to go to England with Whitney, one of my oldest friends, and a knowledgeable girl who's been to England about half a dozen times or so.

That's all I've got for now. Anybody else have random life goals?


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