Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

1 Week To Go

I go home in a week! Yay!!!!

Too bad I'm not going home a bit sooner. We're getting some snow in the immediate forecast. Thursday afternoon/evening we're supposed to get 3-6 inches. Good thing our lab Christmas party is Thursday at 6 PM at Brad's house in Connecticut. I'm sure that will be a fun drive. And I'm glad I won't be the one driving it. Somebody who has actual experience with driving in snow will be driving the big van we're all going to squish into. There's also a storm coming in Sunday night, that will involve sleet and probably just make the commute more dangerous. Well, the commute for people who actually get to drive to work. I doubt my walk will be too affected. Why does this affect me? Because one of the Bio 101 finals is on Monday at 8 AM and I have to be there at 7:40 AM to help hand out exams, proctor the exam and then help grade all the exams, discuss how the students did in lab, alphabatize the 300-350 exams and enter them in the computer. It'll be an all day thing.

In completely unrelated news, I went to see Little Women: the musical this past weekend. I was a little worried about seeing it as a musical, but it was pretty good. The girl who played Jo did a great job, and there were lots of funny moments to help move it along. I was hoping to get some people together to see A Christmas Carol this weekend, but apparently tickets already sold out. :( Oh well, I remember the story really well, since I've read it and seen it several times as a book, play and movie.

My free cephalopod books came in yesterday. :) I'm really glad Erin remembered that I do squid stuff. I love free squid books! Lastly, I hope everybody is getting into the holiday spirit. I sent out Christmas cards this weekend. So hopefully, everybody will get those soon. If you read this and you don't get a Christmas card, it just means I ran out. I sent a lot of cards to family this year. :)


At 11:16 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

It's not often that you hear "I love free squid books!" Have a great week!

At 10:27 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks Mags!

At 10:28 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

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