Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fun Video

Today's been an incredibly long and frustrating day in which nothing was accomplished. Not good since all my equipment goes to the Cariaco Basin in 3 weeks. The clock's ticking, and class and TA duties don't slow down. But I'm too tired to bitch about that.

Instead, here's a fun link to a video of various trawls undertaken by the University of New Hampshire. It's funny, and for non-science people, you get to see what it's like on a cruise. Marvel at the ridicously large unweildy equipment! Listen to the lyrics as they outline the many bizarre things that can and do go wrong! Enjoy the utter lack of success which everybody experiences! Um, don't look when they start talking about motion sickness, because they actually show people with vomit in their hands. Instead, focus on the pics of dolphins jumping and the gorgeous sunset at the end. :) Now, these are 12 hour cruises. Try to imagine a month long cruise and you'll know what I did the summer before last. :)


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