Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Back in RI

Well, my nice little vacation is over, I got back in RI last Thursday afternoon. Going home was great. It was a very fun, very busy week. I spent a couple days in Huntsville hanging out with the folks, plus Mike and Ames were there. I also spent an entire day watching Law and Order SVU and sorting through crap in my room. I'm a terrible packrat, and people are looking at the house now, so we're all trying to figure out what stuff we want to save, what should be trashed. I didn't have time to do much work, so sometimes mom calls me and asks about stuff over the phone. :) By the way, the whole retirement plan has changed. My folks are going to retire soon, but they're not ready to retire up to Cooperstown all year round. Instead, they're going to get an apartment or small house in Alabama, and spend summers and fall up in Cooperstown, and winters and spring in Alabama. Best of both worlds, really. I mean, winter in NY is nicer, with the snow and all, but my folks are too old to start shoveling sidewalks and rooftops, so winter in Alabama is better for them.

Ames and I drove over the Birmingham and had just enough time to change before picking up Angela, Mauro and Luca from the airport and heading to the rehearsal dinner. I hadn't seen Luca in at least a year. He's 2 and 1/2 now! He's huge, toddling around and talking. I remember when he was born, it doesn't seem that long ago..... The next day we all went to the zoo, since 3 of Amy's friends have kids (and they're all only a year older than me! So crazy.....). The zoo was fun, although we were there a bit longer than all of us anticipated. The wedding was beautiful, as was the reception. Plus the band was great. For the first half of the evening, there was a girl as the lead singer, and every now and then I'd glance over at this table, where this nerdy guy was just sitting by himself, watching the band and all of us on the dancefloor. I thought that was odd. Until the guy got up for the second half of the night and sang all the funk songs. He really got into it, too, it was awesome. The girl singer sat at the same table, and I think there was some sound equipment near it, so they were both probably doing something important when sitting at the table. I wish I'd gotten the name of the band, someone said they were just some local Birmingham band.

On to Tuscaloosa. I had so much fun hanging out with Whit. She showed me T-town, which is a combination of college town and scary back streets you shouldn't walk down. I also met Whit's friend Sarah, who is Tully Brown's cousin (small world!). We had tons of fun just hanging out, playing on the internet, watching random TV shows that none of my other friends would watch, and drooling over Supernatural episodes. There was also a night that involved vodka shots, but I don't think Whit wants me to talk about that. ;)


At 8:27 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Sounds like a great trip, Sarah! I'm so glad you got to go home for it! The wedding sounds like it was fun, and I won't mention to Spencer that you went to Tuscaloosa. He might not talk to you for months. It took him almost a year for him to get over me living there. How's RI doing? Back to the grind? Are you TAing next semester? Only one semester left, right? AHHH!!! Cool!

At 10:33 AM, Blogger spencer said...

Tuscaloosa? You're dead to me.


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