Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, June 15, 2007

New Roommate

So the roommate search is finally over. I had like 5 people who were emailing me off and on, and then all of a sudden, all 5 emailed me this week, and every single one of them wanted the apartment. Today I met Daniella, who will be starting her Ph.D at URI this fall. She seems nice, she's smart, and she's going to start renting the room in July, even though she won't officially move in til the end of August. She's gonna leave some stuff here in July and maybe spend a weekend or two, but basically she'll be paying to live in the room, without actually living in it. Awesome!

So that's one thing off my mind. I'm a little worried about my research. Apparently, I missed the "run," which is when tons of local squid swim through Newport and it's super easy to catch them. I had no idea they were so plentiful for only a week, or I would have been out there every night catching them. As it was, that was the first week after classes ended, and I was exhausted, because I had been working from 8AM til Midnight for a month. So I'm pissed that I missed the opportunity to easily catch squid. I've gone jigging every night this week, but no luck. On Monday I'm tagging along on a trawl of the bay, and the captain said they caught some squid this week, so hopefully I can get some on Monday. I know they won't be in the best shape after being in the trawl, but they only need to be alive long enough for me to weigh, measure and slice them open to extract blood. Everybody keep your fingers crossed for Monday morning, because I need about a dozen squid to get enough blood for one sample.


At 9:42 AM, Blogger Maggie said...

I'm so glad you found a roommate! It all works out :)

And I like hearing you talk about your squid stuff. It's like reading about a foreign country :)


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