Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Losing my Mind

So last week Caitlin posted a blog that said she was getting old and losing her mind. I think it's catching, because last Thursday and Friday all commonsense abandoned me.

So Thursday I was working in the lab, waiting for some results on a machine, and I thought I'd make myself useful and restock the tip boxes. For those of you not currently living in science labs, pipettes are used to suck up liquids, and different tips have to be used for every different liquid you suck up. So basically, we go through tips fast. However, because this tips need to be clean, you have to wear gloves when you put them in the tip boxes, so you don't contaminate the tips. I looked through the lab and couldn't find any gloves, which I thought was really odd, I mean, I was in a science lab! Gloves should be everywhere! I considered walking down to the office and asking my labmates, but decided it wasn't that big of a deal, I'd just look for the gloves later. Five minutes later I look up and there is a box of gloves NEXT TO THE MACHINE I've been using for the last hour. Like right next to it. I was so very glad I hadn't asked anyone for help. However, Thursday was just a prelude to the stupidity of Friday.....

Friday I planned to work all day, but I didn't have that much work to do, and it was all gray and rainy, the perfect day to go to an afternoon movie. So I left work around 1:30ish so I could grab food at my apt and clean up the place a bit before getting gas and going to a 3:30 movie. So 3:00 rolls around and I can't find my car keys. Now, I drove to school and back to my apt, so I know they must be IN the apt, but I check every room I've been in and still no keys. Luckily, I own a spare key in case mine breaks or gets lost, so I grab the spare key, leave the apt, walk down my stairs, and realize that my car is idling. It's been idling in the parking space for about an hour and a half. Because I'm an idiot and never turned it off. I was very careful to turn off the lights and wipers, but apparently I forgot to turn the key. So now I feel like a complete idiot. I jump in the car and head to the gas station, passing my roommate in the parking lot. I get about 500 yards from the complex when I realize that I left my purse with my driver's license, ATM card, apt keys and cash in the apt. Luckily, since Dipa was leaving to go to Boston for the weekend, she was there and I could get back into the apt.

Isn't that insane? I think it's really unfair that I'm going senile at 24. I mean, I already have the back problems of an 85 year old woman, couldn't we hold off on senility for a few more years? By the way, the movie I saw was the Bourne Ultimatum, which rocks! Go see it if you need an action flick fix.


At 10:08 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

OOh, I want to see the Bourne Ultimatum, but I want to see Becoming Jane first. I hope your mental faculties are rebounding, as mine did. :-)

At 9:57 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh Sarah! I think it's time for a day off!

At 12:09 PM, Blogger Sarah said...

I want to see Becoming Jane too, but the local theater isn't playing it! I'd have to drive 25 minutes and pay tolls both ways, and really, going to the movies is expensive enough as it is.


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