Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

2.5 Years of Work = 8 Possibly Useable Experiments

So last week I emailed Brad to see how the cruise was going, experiments, etc. He emailed me back today stating that there were some ups and downs. Downs being 1) lots of equipment problems and 2) they haven't caught a single Dosidicus yet. Which means no blood experiments for my thesis. Brad said I shouldn't wait for data from him, but should start writing now, focusing any good curves that I have or that Brad gave me. I'm not even sure any of my curves are good, and Brad never gave me any because he said he couldn't trust the ones he did this summer. So, there you have it. In Brad's words, my thesis will be mostly theory, and data poor. Man, I sure hope it's still considered defendable by my committee.......Who knows, this might be good for me. I seem to be better at book learning than doing anyway, so maybe focusing on theory will not be horrible. But I really wish I had some good, viable results. I mean, I've spent two and a half years on this project, and I have precious little to show for it.

On that note, when I get a job after graduation, I really don't think I could work in Rhode Island. There are some beautiful places in Rhode Island and possible job opportunities, but really, I think I'll always associate this state with frustration and failure; utter, utter failure.


At 10:09 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

*hugs* I'm thinking of you, darling. I'm going to give you a call tomorrow afternoon so we can talk.

At 6:30 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh Sarah, I'm sorry it's not going as well as you hoped. And though you might associate Rhode Island with frustration, don't equate it with failure. As long as you graduate with your degree, which was very hard-earned, you are a total success.


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