Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My Visit Home

Whew, haven't updated in a while, and it's time to fix that. I got back to RI on Saturday, but of course, I had a great time while I was home, and didn't really want to come back. Christmas at home was great. I got to see the new house, which is cute and little, just right for Mom and Dad. And I got to spend time with Ames and Mike. Not as much time as I would have liked, Mike went out of town for a week and had to start classes while I was there, and Ames had to go back to Birmingham before New Years, but that's how it always goes.

A lot of people have asked me "How were your holidays?" Well, Christmas was great, but it was kind of downhill from there, holidays-wise. I was really sick around New Years, so I went to the doctors to get antibiotics. But my body had a reaction to the antibiotics, so on New Years Eve I was throwing up pretty much every 20-30 minutes for about 3 hours. I passed out before midnight, and was pretty out of it on New Years Day. Not the best way to ring in the new year.

I didn't really do much for my birthday either. My folks had an opportunity to see some friends they met in England in like the '70s, and they didn't realize that the dates would coincide with my birthday. It was unfortunate, but they hadn't seen the friends in years, and they see me at least twice a year, so my folks flew to Florida the day before my birthday. Ames was already teaching in Birmingham, and Mike had classes and drill. So on my birthday, I rode with Whitney's family to the Birmingham airport to say good-bye to her, and then her folks dropped me off at Amy's school (my flight to RI was out of Birmingham on Saturday, hence why I had to get to Birmingham). There was horrible weather, Amy's school got out early, and Ames was sick, so we just hung out at her apt and ordered pizza. We went out to dinner and a movie on Friday night with Bill and Laura, but on my actual 25th birthday, I didn't really do anything.

Not the most auspicious start to the new year. It sort of started with a whimper. But that just means it has to end with a bang, right? Like the whole March lion/lamb thing?


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