Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Busy Busy Busy

I meant to update earlier this week because last week was so full of stuff. Monday I took my car in. Tuesday I got the call that the motor was shot, and that I needed to get another car. Wednesday I covered a lab for someone and the building flooded because it poured from 10 AM til 6 PM. Thursday I taught all day and then went to drink wine and eat cheese and chocolate cake for Valentine's day. Friday I had a lunch meeting with a genomics candidate for our school. Saturday I shopped for cars and then went to Boston with friends to celebrate Michelle's birthday. I now know of a good Thai restaurant and dueling piano bar in Boston, if anybody's heading up there. Sunday I bought my new car (well, new to me, it's 2004, but it LOOKS brand new) and saw Dave and Sara for like 20 minutes, because they were in Newport for the weekend.

Whew. So that was last week. Also, my brother Mike is dating someone now. I can't remember if I've updated about that before. Her name is Kodi and she lives in NYC, so clearly the distance thing is an issue. He might possibly move to NYC to be with her, but then he has to stop school again, or wait til the summer. More updates on that when I know what's going on.

My personal updates pretty much just consist of work/thesis updates. I applied for two more jobs, but got an email this morning that one of the jobs I applied for has already been filled. I've been playing phone tag with a guy from Clemson about the South Carolina summer camp counsellor job. He called Thurs, I called Fri, he called Mon, I called Tues. It's really getting ridiculous. I may call hiim again this afternoon, since he hasn't called me back yet today. Also, I just finished the intro for my thesis. Of course, the only reason I have it done is because 85% of my intro is the proposal I turned in at the end of summer. Since it's all background info anyways, I pretty much just filled in some holes. So far, my intro, methods and results = 15 double spaced pages. With my works cited it's 21 pages. So this may be the shortest master's thesis ever. We'll see.

I have 5 weeks til I need to turn in a defendable copy if I plan on graduating this semester. I'm not sure I can pull it off. If I just had to write a paper then I'd be fine. But I know Brad will make lots of suggetions and changes, and when you factor in editing time, I really don't know if I can pull everything together in time. But if not, I'm hoping I'll just be a couple of weeks behind, and that I can defend in May. Partly because I'm hoping I get that summer job, which starts at the end of May, and partly because I want to get the hell out of Rhode Island.


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