Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Future Plans

So, while I got very little actual work done this week, I did look at a lot of jobs and internships, trying to figure out what I was actually qualified for (um....not much since I have no experience), and what I want to do when I graduate from URI, and then am forced to vacate my apartment within 30 days. And I think I've figured it out. I want the EPA internship.

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency for my non-science friends) internship is a 2 year internship in which 25 people are trained in various departments of the EPA. There's also a 2 month interval when you can work at another location. In addition to getting $30,000-40,000 a year (depending on position and location) the interns get all the benefits of working at a federal institution, like health and life insurance, sick leave, 401 K, etc. Which all sounds great to me. Plus, I'd be trained in administrative, conservation policy and marine affairs kind of stuff (um..I think, I'm not really sure what the different departments are) which would be fantastic since I don't know anything about that. Plus, when you finish the internship, you're pretty much guaranteed to get hired at the EPA, since you're already trained and familiar with how it all works.

So I've decided, the EPA internship is my number one choice. Unfortunately, they don't post info about it until the spring (April-ish), and interviews aren't until June or July, with the internship starting in August. Which means that when I leave URI, I'll probably just pack up my movies, some books and clothes and drive to Cooperstown for a month or so. I"ll just have to get a storage space in Rhode Island and put all my crap in it for a couple of months. I also might visit Whitney in May or June, while she's still working at Walt Disney World. :)

So that's the plan. I'm going to apply for other jobs anyways though, just in case. If I don't get the internship, I will either volunteer at local places in Cooperstown, accept another job offer (assuming I have any), or get my Scuba certification and apply for a Walt Disney World internship working with sea creatures of some kind or another (applications would have to be in by October). So that's my plan. And I feel so much more motivated and eager to work now, knowing I have a goal that I really want, a goal to work towards.


At 8:48 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

the intership sound fantastic. I'll keep my fingers crossed!


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