Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Mechanical Failures.....

So apparently all electronic/mechanical things in my life are failing. Last week my cell phone was losing charge like crazy. It turned itself off one day when I was at school because the battery was draining so quickly. So I drive half an hour out to Warwick so I can find a Sprint store and get a new phone (which I love! It's so sleeky and shiny and not scraped up from being dropped multiple times on concrete!)

Unfortunately, on the way back from Warwick my car started overheating. When I got back I noticed that the water/antifreeze was empty (which seemed odd), so I filled that up, but it still overheated. So I took it to the shop yesterday and just got the call. Or death sentence.

It overheated so badly that the head gasket got wet, and coolant went through the motor and came out with the oil. Coolant is very corrosive, so I would need a new motor, which is not worth putting into a car that is 15 years old and has over 160,000 miles. So basically I need to buy a new car. I was really hoping the van would last me till the end of grad school, but it just couldn't make it. I was also hoping I could work on my thesis all day this Saturday, but I guess I'll be looking for cars instead. :(


At 8:19 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

Oh, I'm so sorry about your car! I can imagine how frustrating that must be. You almost made it through grad school! But now, you get to get a shiny new car just like your shiny new phone! That's not so bad :)

At 9:12 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

I'm sorry about the car, Sarah--it fought the good fight. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you find a good deal!


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