Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Monday, May 12, 2008

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

I have now finished all of my obligations as a student and TA at URI, and have only to finish my actual thesis and defense. And then I can finally leave, and be done with school FOREVER. Wow, I'm almost afraid to type those words out, surely I'm somehow jinxing myself.....

It's almost over, and I can't tell you how happy and, well, satisfying that is. I think grad school is like organic chemistry. Difficult as hell, and you have to work your ass off to get through it, and then you have a bond with other people who have gone through that same experience, a bond other people just don't understand, because they haven't gone through the same suffering and unbelieveable stress.

Sorry, this is supposed to be a happy post. Deadlines are coming up. I need to turn in my defendable copy next Fri, May 23, and then I defend on June 13. Whew. So....soon. It's hard to believe how quickly the last couple of weeks have gone by. Probably because I've already written my thesis. Once you do that, everything seems so much easier.

I talked to my brother Mike yesterday, and he and Kodi might come up to RI to visit me before I leave. I'm trying to convince them to come the weekend that I defend, since I'll already be celebrating and refusing to do any work. Hopefully, since its a whole month away, he can plan on coming, or at least keep it in mind. Hard to tell with his crazy work schedule. Hmm..what other fun stuff is on the horizon? Oh, we had grad prom this weekend, sorry, the graduate student associaton final bash. It was lots of fun getting to hang out with everybody all dressed up, and getting a nice dinner for $5. There are pics on facebook if anybody's interested. Oh, and I've applied for some more jobs, all temporary, since they require a minimum of qualifications. I don't really expect to get any of them though. The job outlook is looking pretty bleak. Truth be told, I'm not too worried about that though. I'm smart, I know I'll get something eventually, and I kinda want to go home for a couple of months, get a job at a temp agency, and just enjoy life for a couple of months. Not too long, mind you, but just a short break from school and life before I plunge back into the real world with a new job in a new location.


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