Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Rough Draft is Done!!

That's right folks, I finished a rough draft of my thesis. Of course I need to edit the crap out of it before I send it along to Brad, but I don't want to start that tonight because I don't want to leave it half done and then have to come in tomorrow and get back into the editing groove. I just want to come in tomorrow and work on it all day.

So yay! Maybe I really will finish my thesis and actually move forward with my life.

I'll also updating because this was an interesting week for socializing. Tuesday night we went to the last ladies' night at the martini bar upstairs from the Mews. It was an interesting night because 3 or 4 of the girls that are in our group of friends, but who rarely go out with us, came along. So we had like 8 girls, and everyone had just gotten back from spring break so everyone had fun stories. The best part about this particular ladies night? At one end of the bar (where we were sitting) there was a middle-aged ladies book club meeting. On the other end of the bar there was a sex toy sales representative who was plying her trade and holding some sort of raffle (I think one of the middle-aged women won a sample). And we were sort of in the middle. It was an odd combination.

Which leads me to Saturday night. I went to The Shorebreak because Nicole said there was some live music there. I had no idea what kind of live music, and really hadn't thought about it. I walk in and The Hellbent Heartbreakers, a country band, is warming up. Now, I'm not really a country fan. But it was fun just to see them play live and they had lots of fun instruments like steel guitar and mandolin, that you don't see everyday. Next up on the program? A burlesque show. Seriously. Two girls went up and danced for two songs in matching bras, panties, fishnet stockings and heels. They both did a great job. This probably sounds weird, but they kept it classy. None of us was uncomfortable during the dances, we cheered them on. The last act of the night was a rock group (apparently the group we went there for) called Signs of Life. They were pretty good, although the instruments were so loud I couldn't understand the words to most of the songs. But Amy's going to burn me a copy of their CD, and one or two of their songs may end up on the mixes I've been promising to make for people. Soon I promise! As soon as I send my revised thesis off to Brad I'm going to sit down and start planning out the mixes. Right now I know some of the songs I'm going to put on the mixes, but I need to re-listen to some of my older mixes from Whitney and Ames and plan the order of songs, etc. Whit, you can expect a random phone call where I sing you pieces of songs and expect you to immediately know the artist and song title. :)

Also, I saw the movie 21 yesterday and it was pretty good. Not hard to see the plot twists coming, but still enjoyable. And it's based on a true story, which is pretty cool, and always makes the movie more interesting, to me at least. So that's been my week. Got rejected from a couple of jobs, but I'm not worried yet. I'm used to rejection, and I expect to get rejected from most of the jobs I apply for anyways. My future is still up in the air, but I'll be sure to update if anything definate happens with jobs, like maybe an actual interview.


At 11:02 PM, Blogger spencer said...

Yay for rough drafts!

(this is actually maggie, but I'm too lazy tonight to sign out Spencer's name)


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