Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I Remember When "Spring Break" Meant Vacation....

On the plus side, nothing else in my life has fallen apart in the last week. Yay! Is it sad that I"m celebrating that? Also, I've talked to the union about the whole $1050.00 medical bill our health insurance is threatening to not cover, and they said it will be taken care of. So, either the health insurance company will cover it or the union will. That's a huge load off my mind, so I'm very grateful for that.

In thesis news, there is no way I'm going to officially finish this semester. I'd have to turn in a finished copy to the grad school next Friday. Meanwhile, Brad hasn't given me any comments back, and I'm still writing my discussion anyways. So technically, it'll be a summer graduation, and I won't officially get my master's til August. But I'm hoping I can turn in a finished copy in April and defend in May. That's the plan, anyways.

Technically it's Spring break, which is weird because, of course, I'm still working in my office everyday. So I keep forgetting that it really IS spring break. But it's nice to be able to drive to my building and not to have to deal with teaching or grading this week. And I haven't worked in the building the last couple of nights, and may not tonight. So that kind of makes it a vacation. And now that I've typed those words, I realize how pathetic my life is.

On a completely different note, I went shopping this weekend and got some dresses. I've had to buy new clothes recently because all my old college clothes are getting too small. So I bought 3 dresses, one that could be sort of dressy and two more casual dresses. And I am in love with one of the casual dresses. I call it my Grace Kelly dress, because the cut sort of reminds me of 1940s dresses, and because I feel like a million bucks when I wear it. It's green with cream polka dots all over it, sort of a V neck, comes down to halfway between my knees and ankles...Frankly a description doesn't do it justice. It just fits me perfectly, and flatteringly (is that a word?) all at the same time. Of course now I need an actual reason to wear it, but I think I'm going to a wedding in June, so that'll work.

Anyways, I need to sign off so I can do something productive on my thesis today. I have a schedule for each day worked out, and I"m hoping to get a finished draft to Brad by next Friday.....we'll see if that actually happens.....Oh, I forgot, Mike and Kodi might visit me in RI before I leave! I haven't had a chance to talk to them about it yet, and they should wait til May or June when it's actually sunny and warm (hello 30-something degree weather this morning). I really hope they can visit. I want to meet Kodi, I'd love for all my friends to meet Mike, and of course, I just miss Mike, so it'd be great to get to hang out with him for a day or two.


At 11:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, 30-something degree weather, how quaint! It's high of 80 here at the moment. Not that I'm rubbing it in your face or anything...

I'm glad to hear about the union. I've been worried about you! Stupid insurance companies...


At 8:43 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

sorry to hear about the thesis delay, but yay for the dresses! I have been itching to go buy some cute spring dresses, so maybe that will be my project for the weekend...

At 10:10 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Thanks Whit! And Caitlin, I think you should definately make that your goal for this weekend.

At 12:32 PM, Blogger spencer said...

I feel your pain, Sarah. My last "spring break" was our cruise. But I guess it beats not getting one (e.g. Caitlin, Mags, Brian...). I spent all of Monday and Tuesday editing and writing as well. I'm headed to the office now to get going on a paper due next Thursday. Stupid school. Hang in there!

At 9:35 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

I want to see the new dress!


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