Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, June 06, 2008

Random Update I haven't updated in a while, mostly because nothing incredibly interesting is going on. I went to Cooperstown over Memorial weekend and got to hang out with my cousin Ellie, Dave, Sara, Mike and meet Kodi, Mike's girlfriend. She's a good match for him. She's nice and funny, and she cracks me up because when she gets excited or happy about something she makes the touchdown sign. It's so random, and so funny.

I haven't done much at all the last week or two. I turned in my defendable copy of my thesis May 23, and I defend NEXT FRIDAY. I'm starting to freak out about it a little. I read over my thesis the other day and caught a few random errors that I needed to fix (a spelling error or two, and one thing that I just wrote incorrectly and will need to fix before my final final copy). I reread a few papers and wrote notes to myself, trying to anticipate questions my committee will ask. And I plan on making my presentation today, or at least getting most of it done. Other than that I've been slowly cleaning and organizing my bedroom (it's been a disaster area for months) and applying for more jobs.

So, nothing too exciting going on. I can't believe I'm almost done. I'm worried I'll do something stupid during my defense, like, someone will ask me a question and I won't know the answer, but I should know the answer, something like that... Still, my fellow grad students have given me encouragement, reminding me that it's not the end of the world if I don't know an answer, and that most committee members assume that I'm pretty much done, and that the defense is a formality, necessary, and I will have to make changes to my thesis afterwards, but that, for the most part, it will all be alright.


At 10:38 PM, Blogger spencer said...

You are going to ROCK your thesis defense! I can't wait to hear how it goes!

Maggie (not Spencer. I'm lazy.)


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