Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Monday, July 28, 2008

Breaking the 6-week Silence

Hey gang (or, you know, Caitlin, who's probably the only person left who checks this). Sorry for the lack of posts for the last 6 weeks. Life has been very busy and stressful, and many things have changed. To sum up: I am now defending in late September. My lease is up in late August, so I'll probably drive to Cooperstown and then drive back to RI about a week and a half before the defense to practice and make any last minute changes. I"m hoping to get the actual presentation done in August before I go. I've visited Cooperstown a couple of times (in fact I just got back from there) and that's been good and helpful with keeping my sanity. It's always nice to see family, and no one talks about science stuff in Cooperstown, and I can do laundry for free, and someone else cooks nice, wholesome dinners. Mmmmm.....

What else? I sent off another draft of my thesis to Brad (he's reviewing it today). With any luck, maybe I can finish/make all my revisions before I go to Milwaukee on Wednesday afternoon? Maybe...I'm hopeful, but also realistic to know that that will only work if I have a few minor corrections to make. Also, I think I lost my memory stick. Which isn't the end of the world, I can still recover my thesis from the email I sent, and I have most of the data worksheets saved to my computer, but I may have lost some odds and ends I"ll have to do over....Hmm....nothing much else going on. The last 6 weeks has pretty much been dominated by my thesis. Probably why it never occurred to me to update my blog. Same shit, different day kinda thing. Anyways, I"m really looking forward to the Milwaukee trip, and then I'm dogsitting when I get back, fixing thesis stuff, moving out of my apt and writing my defense presentation. So I will be a busy girl. But I'll try to update more often, if anything interesting is going on.


At 11:19 PM, Blogger Caitlin said...

yay for new post! yay for Milwaukee! yay yay yay!


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