Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

What the F*$@!

Here's how my day has gone so far:

4 AM - Wake up, am unable to go back to sleep
6 AM - I finally give in and get up and take a shower since sleep is impossible
7 AM - Get to the office. On the plus side, I got a great parking space
11 AM - Meet with Karen Wishner (committee head). Realize I need to add at least one more graph to my thesis
12 PM - Call my dad in Cooperstown. Find out that my Mom is upset because I have not officially asked if I can live with them in Huntsville. Apparently she's upset that I"m just taking it for granted. Really? Mike's lived with Mom and Dad at BOTH houses, Mom knows I'm super stressed about money, and she knows how incredibly stressful and up in the air everything has been lately. I asked if I could stay in Cooperstown, but apparently was not supposed to assume that I could stay in Huntsville. Now I need to call my Mom and strategically ask her if I can stay, without her knowing that Dad tipped me off.
1:15 PM - Randomly walk by the -80 C freezer on the way to the bathroom and discover that the freezer was accidentally turned off and that all the samples are completely thawed out or on their way to being thawed out. Alert rest of lab. Call other lab members and move samples to other freezer. Words cannot describe how relieved I am that 1) I have nothing in the freezers and 2) there is absolutely no way this is my fault.
1:45 PM - Return to computer to work on thesis, only to find that the computer has completely frozen up and will need to be shut down and restarted.
NOW - Going home to throw a few more things in the suitcase, then it's off to the airport, and then Milwaukee. Considering how my day has gone so far, I'm expecting delays......


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