A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
I keep meaning to update this, and then I just find other stuff to do. Christmas was nice, but kinda lonely. I've never had a Christmas without Mike and Ames, plus usually one of them has a significant other who hangs out. Not this year. Mike went to Detroit to see Kodi's family, and Ames went to Pensacola to visit J.D.'s family. Grant it, I got to see Ames the night of the 23rd/morning of 24th and also on Saturday the 27th, so that was nice. It would have been very weird to have had no Christmas whatsoever with Ames. Still, on Christmas day it was just me and my folks. Weird. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest of 4, but I don't see how only children do it.
On to the new year, and, of course, the year review. 2008 was pretty terrible. Second worst year of my life (kinda hard to beat junior year of college, I hope nothing ever beats that...). I don't think there's any need to rehash 2008, since anybody reading this has probably already heard me bitch about grad school ad nauseum. Therefore, in the effort to stay positive, I did accomplish the three goals I wanted to in 2008: buy a reliable car, finish grad school, get a job. Grant it, I did it the most ass backwards / stressful / what the fuck am I doing way possible. But still. Goals accomplished.
And now for 2009. What to do with myself? New state, new job, new people. Fresh start, which I love. I've been in North Carolina for about 2 months, and I like it, although I haven't explored that much. I"ve mostly been unpacking, shopping or enjoying having cable TV. When you don't have cable for a couple of years, it's really easy to get sucked into CSI or Law and Order marathons. At least, it is for me. Anyways, time for my 2009 goals (I refuse to call these resolutions, as I associate the word "resolution" with "a promise you make on new years eve and then break or conveniently forget about two weeks later") :
1) Incorporate more music in my life - I think one reason I was miserable in RI was that I could never play the piano. I didn't realize what an emotional release that was for me til it wasn't there anymore. Of course, my piano is still in Huntsville, so I'm trying to branch out. I would love to learn the violin. But I think it would be more practical to buy a guitar and teach myself how to play. Or tryout for the Chapel Hill Community Choir on Monday, which I just learned about last night.
2) Learn a new craft - Specifically knitting, since I already know how to sew, cross-stitch and do beadwork. I have a "learn how to knit" kit, I just haven't sat down and played with it. But I like creating things, and I kinda want to make some scarves for my loved ones.
3) Learn to swim - Now, I'm not completely deficient. I can doggy paddle. But that's not so much "swimming" as it is "not drowning." Swimming will be good for my back, plus, eventually I want to get scuba certified, and you have to pass some swimming test first. So, one step at a time.
4) Be more social - Never easy for me. I"m a scientist and we're naturally born without social skills, forced to acquire them as we go through life. Still, I am going to make more of an effort, despite the fact that I live at least 40 minutes away from everyone I know in North Carolina (not counting my roommates of course).
Whew, so that's it folks. I"m curious as to everyone else's resolutions/goals, but then, most people update more often than me. Or at least, Caitlin and Whitney do. :)
Like your post, Sarah! I wish I was in NC--I could teach you to knit AND to swim! Scarves are super easy. (That's really all I can do, but it is easy!)
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