10 Random Things About You
I stole this post from Whitney. You're supposed to write 10 random things about your personality, goals, hopes, whatever. Here's mine:
1. I've never properly learned how to blow a bubble with gum.
2. Pride and Prejudice is my favorite book, not just because of the witty banter and sarcastic characters. But because it makes me believe that someone's love for you can inspire you to become a better version of yourself.
3. I have never seen an episode of American Idol, and I'm kind of proud of that.
4. When I wear mascara it is really obvious because the tips of my eyelashes are blond, and therefore, usually invisible.
5. I really want to learn to play the violin. Partly because it's the most beautiful, emotion-invoking instrument I've ever heard. And partly so that I can play the screaming violin music from Psycho when one of my friends is in the shower. heheheheheh
6. I'm a listmaker. I make lists of things to accomplish, TV shows to watch, books to read, movies to check out, etc.
7. I was born and raised in Alabama for 22 years but I've never eaten grits.
8. I still remember the fingering for a C major scale on a french horn, even though I haven't played since 7th grade.
9. When I was a kid I wrote a musical in which I was a pirate king and my sister was the Indian princess who fell in love with John Smith (clearly I cribbed from Treasure Island and Pocahontas). I even wrote songs. My song was "Yo Ho Ho."
10. I enjoy making CDs for other people, but very rarely make them for myself, because I love being exposed to new music, and I already know all of my music.
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