Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, November 14, 2008

North Carolina

Wow, I kept meaning to update this thing, and then putting it off.... so here goes.

My three weeks in Cooperstown were lazy and fantastic. I did absolutely nothing. Seriously. I drank in the sunshine and the cable TV. I walked around downtown and watched hours and hours of cable, and then more hours of TV on my computer. It was my break from life, and I really needed it.

Last Thursday I drove back to RI and crashed with Michele for the weekend so I could supervise the movers packing and loading all my stuff from storage. Again, I got to be lazy and watch lots of TV, and see my group of girls one last time before packing up and leaving for North Carolina on Monday. I was worried that I would be bored and/or tired on the drive down, but it actually went quickly ( quickly as an 11.5 hour trip can go). I only stopped twice for gas (I love my car!!!), and I just kept feeding CDs into my CD player. I felt fine until I got to the house and sat down and just stopped...then my head started pounding and all the tiredness hit me. "Oh well," I thought to myself. "At least I have tomorrow off, I can sleep in."

After a night of un-restful sleep, I was awakened at 8 AM by the movers, calling to tell me (in a very heavy Jamaican accent. I understood maybe 15% of our conversation) that they would be at the house with my stuff by midmorning. I was exhausted, but unloaded my car so that I wouldn't fall back asleep before the movers arrival. I shouldn't have worried. Apparently "midmorning" means 1:30 PM. By the time I ate lunch and they finished unloading my crap, it was time for me to go grocery shopping, eat dinner, figure out how to get to work on Wednesday, and then crash, as I was still exhausted from a crappy night's sleep.

Whoops, gotta go, I'm having dinner with my housemates, Amber and Julian. I'll update later about my actual job and the surprise I got Wednesday night when I came home from my first day of work.