Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Play's the Thing

In an effort to broaden my horizons, last August I bought season tickets to Great Performances. Basically, about once a month there is some performance, usually a concert of some sort. On Sunday it was a play by Neil Coward called Private Lives. The play was put on by L.A. Theatre Works, a company that broadcasts plays on the radio. Apparently, you can go and see them broadcast the plays as a live audience. That's sort of what we saw. Each character had on a costume and there was a sort of backdrop, but they all read from their scripts, and a sound effects woman behind them would supply noises when characters would strike a match, hit someone or clink cocktail glasses.

It was really interesting. Sort of a step between radio and theatre, if that's possible. It was also hilarious, the actors did a great job. Apparently they broadcast these plays on public radio, but I've never heard of it. I don't know if they are only broadcast to the L.A. area, or if some go national, I'll have to check it out. It would be fun to sit by the radio and hear a play. Actually, it would be really fun to hear a spooky story on a radio at night.....Maybe I can find something on CD or something...

On a completely random note, I heard an interesting tidbit on the radio the other day. Apparently, it is now illegal to date your health care provider in the state of Washington. Health care provider covers everyone from the doctor who performs your surgery to your dental higenist. The announcer on the radio said "Apparently they've been having some problems with that." I ask you, what kind of problems do you have where the state votes for it to be illegal to date your health care provider? Anyone? I'm stumped...


At 9:06 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

That is a very interesting fact, Miss Marnell.


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