Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Thursday, February 22, 2007


So last weekend I went to Cooperstown to see my brothers and have fun with SnowFest 2007. Mike's gonna be up in Cooperstown for a few months, and Dave came in for the weekend. It was so much fun! Last Wednesday, Cooperstown got like 36 inches of snow, so for a few days I didn't think the roads would be clear for me to get up there, but by Friday afternoon they were driveable. It was crazy, there were piles of snow that were up to my chest, because the plows had pushed them up. Plus, it snowed some more almost everyday, not a lot, just a couple of inches, but those add up when there's already 3 feet of snow, and it's too cold for anything to melt. I took about 10 pictures of the snow and other stuff, so once I get those developed maybe I can scan them onto the computer and put them on facebook or something.

I knew my brother's wanted some guy time, so on Saturday I did fun, cutesy SnowFest stuff with my Aunt (because I knew they wouldn't want to do it). We saw snow and ice sculptures being made, a quilt show at the library, and we went to a lunch thing that benefited the Cooperstown Food Bank. Locals handmade and painted bowls, then donated them. Then local people and restaurants donated soup. Each person paid $15 for a lunch of soup and bread, got to keep the bowl, and all the money went to the Food Bank. They made 100 bowls and sold out, so the Food Bank must have gotten over $1500, which is great.

The rest of the weekend we spent hanging out, occasionally shoveling when outdoors, but mostly we stayed inside where it was nice and warm. I also learned that if you don't put enough antifreeze in your car, the water can freeze and clog the tubes, causing your car to overheat until you pull it over and let the heat from the motor melt the ice chunks. Live and learn.

Did anybody else do anything fun for President's Day weekend? Or Mardi Gras?


At 9:33 PM, Blogger Maggie said...

That sounds like a lovely weekend!


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