Sarah's Mullings and Musings

Friday, August 22, 2008

Frustrated and Exhausted

For some reason, every other day something major happens and my life changes again. I'm too pissed off and tired to write out all the circumstances, but 1) I'm not moving next week, I'm staying in my apt for another month with the understanding that my roommates are paying for everything and 2) I have to register for 1 credit hour this semester. Which means I'm part time and paying out of state tuition (because even though I've lived in RI for 3 YEARS, it doesn't count because I've been in grad school. How fucked up is that?!). So, essentially, I have to pay $1200 to defend next month. How? Buying a car and car insurance, plus paying all of my bills with no income since the first week of May has completely devoured my life savings. I guess I'll have to ask my folks and see if they can help me out. Which I hate doing, because I'm an adult and shouldn't have to beg my folks for money. Plus, they're older, I don't want to take their money, I don't know how much they have saved, and how much they can lend me, etc. Sigh. I'm so tempted to just go home and drink. I certainly don't want to stay here.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Will the editing never end?!

Sigh. So I had a meeting with Brad yesterday and discovered that, of my 7 runs, only 5 really give enough data for me to get results from them (for the others I was including points that I wasn't supposed to include). So I spent today sort of spot reanalyzing since some of my numbers changed. Nothing changed significantly, but there are slight differences, so I had to work that stuff out. Then I get an email from Brad at 4:30 PM with (hopefully) the last thesis edits. And it was more than I was counting on. Mostly rephrasing stuff, although I need to double check on some papers, calculations, etc. I also need to redo some graphs. AARRRGGHHHH!!!! Will all the editing never end?!!! I just want to wrap this up so I can send it out to my committee, not think about it for a few days, and focus on another task, like, say, packing up my apartment, since I need to be out of there in less than 3 weeks.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Nothing Tips Like a Cow

That was the slogan I saw on a T-shirt in the Milwaukee airport. If I wasn't broke, I'd have bought it. But I'll have to make due with my fond memories and Milwaukee gouda cheese (mmmmmm.......).

Now to sum up my fun trip to Milwaukee. Wednesday night Caitlin and I arrived. I quickly filled Mags in on the last couple months of thesis hell, just to update her and get the bad stuff out of the way. Then we grabbed a pizza and hung out, talking and catching up.

Thursday we got up and went to the Wisconsin State Fair on what was possibly the hottest day Wisconsin has ever seen. The fact that the fair was on a blacktop did not help. We saw fun animals (baby goats! ginormous pigs! sheep you could ride!), rode a couple rides (I had my first ferris wheel ride, very relaxing after the spinny ride), ate some free samples and headed out to ice skating. Unfortunately, I only skated for about 10 minutes before I managed to not only fall, but somehow cut my left foot with the blade of my right ice skate THROUGH THE LEATHER OF THE RENTAL SKATE. Sometimes my lack of coordination impresses even myself. So, since I was bleeding a little bit and very bruised and sore (it's still sore today...) I sat out and watched everyone else ice skate, which was still pretty entertaining. Dinner was leftovers and then frozen custard for dessert, which is like ice cream, but creamier. Apparently it's a Wisconsin thing. Very tasty. Oh, and I played Guitar Hero for the first time ever. I was pretty bad at first but picked it up more quickly than I expected. I actually finished 5 or 6 easy songs over the next couple of days. Maybe this is a sign that I should learn to play a real guitar......

Friday morning Brian left to go to his friends wedding and Spencer was in charge of entertaining me and Caitlin, as Mags had to go to work. We headed down to the lakefront, walked around the park and stuck our feet in Lake Michigan. Lunch was a very good sandwich at The Wicked Hop, where we got cherry cokes that were actually Coke with cherry syrup and real cherries in it. Soooo good. With full stomachs we went to the Lakefront Brewery tour, although I'm the only one who really earned my glass, as I was the only one who actually drank all four beers. Luckily, we were allowed to drink before, during and after the tour, so I could sort of spread out the alcohol. Then we went to the Wisconsin Cheese Mart and a confectioners next door where I bought some tasty gouda and buttercream chocolates (those lasted like a day).

Saturday we went to a great Mexican place (I've already forgotten the name but great atmosphere and very good enchilada soup), played some Guitar Hero and then headed over to Downtown books (3 stories of used paperbacks) and to the park to play Bocce ball. Bocce was really fun, although Spencer was crushing us. Finally we took a boat tour which was very fun, although a bit chilly going out. Saturday night we hung out playing Guitar Hero, Scattergories, and going to Kopp's, another frozen custard place. Ugly building, but it had a magical mini park behind it with a wall of flowing water, trees and little seats, mood lighting, etc. You know, the perfect date spot.

All in all I had a great time. We managed to be busy everyday, without ever being overwhelmed by all the activities. We had a good balance between going out and hanging out in the apartment. I can't wait for the next unofficial college reunion. :)